Ego center
I suspect that some people will want to know more about the author of this blog. However, as my topic of writing is usually not of very personal nature, I find it inappropriate to write about personal things, say: hobbies, my pets or particularly bad ways in which girls refused me1.
On the other hand, I could just boringly tell you about my favorite books or music, but I’m afraid you’d judge me to be an immature 16 year old that way. Actually, I’m in my mid twenties, and I realize that sounds much older than saying just 25 years old. I have no religious or ethnic affiliations I could dwell upon, either.
I could also try to persuade you that I am in some way extraordinary, but nobody would fall for that. Extraordinary people don’t spend their time writing blogs.
Or perhaps you’d like to hear some words of wisdom from me? I had an opportunity to live in the USA for several years, which was an eye opener, as I grew up in a xenophobic city of Belgrade. I’m sorry to tell you that the biggest thing I have learned is that borders suck and that patriotism, in any shape or form, is rubbish.
I have nothing in particular to say about me, but I do have opinions, and not just for the sake of being opinionated and fitting into bar conversations. I actually try and promote ideas that I have, if for no other reason than to not start thinking that it is me who is insane, with a wrong set of values.
This blog is not avant-garde in any way – concepts of equality, tolerance and peace have existed for a long time. This blog is rather a way for me to integrate in the community of, what feels to me as, normal people around the globe. Let’s drink to that!
Meanwhile, if you have anything at all to say, drop me an e-mail.
1 It went on something like this:
Tu tu tu tu tu (phone onomatopoeia)
— Hello?
— Hi, may I speak to B.?
— It’s her, who’s that?
— It’s Dejan, you left me your phone number yesterday. At that party, remember?
— Erm… Telekom Srbija, free message: the telephone number you have dialed is currently unavailable. Please do not try again later, erm… ever.
1 P.S. I blog about my work at Living with PHP.
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