RAKIJA - Connecting People

23 May 07

Or in this case – Satin Pajama Awards will give you a nice overview of current European blog climate and a chance to vote in best blog competition (Anegdote has been nominated in the Best Weblog about Southeastern Europe category).

I think I mentioned this before, but one of the reasons I write this blog is to get connected with other people with same values and interests, but it is also nice to get some sort of recognition and to be linked to among those other great blogs. I think Michael of Carniola initially nominated this blog, so thank you Michael. Means a lot coming from one of the most interesting bloggers around…


  1. Michael M.
    May 24, 11:25 PM #

    You’re welcome; I’ve been enjoying this blog pretty much from the beginning, and will probably continue to enjoy it no matter what.

  2. Cvijus (Belgrade 2.0)
    May 25, 01:05 AM #

    Деки свака част за номинацију, заслужио си је с обзиром на твој критички ум и безкомпромисни став. Какав год био исход, дозволи да ти кажем СВАКА ЧАСТ и биће ми част да опет циркамо пиво заједно.

    PS ֠Извини, мези ме тренутно да размишљам и пишем на енглескем, ал знамо се.

  3. Dejan
    May 26, 11:43 AM #

    Thanks to both of you!

  4. Ивайло Рашев (България)
    Jun 17, 07:46 PM #

    This is good idea.
    The Rakia is always good to drink.
    It makes people friends.

    Това е добра идея.
    Ракия трябва да се пие винаги.
    Тя помага за сближаване.

  5. Iva
    Sep 18, 03:44 PM #

    jel mi se cini ili godinu dana nista novo nisi objavio? :(
    -Greetings from Lošinj!

  6. Dejan
    Sep 19, 02:12 AM #

    Iva, u pravu si :( Ipak, verujem da nisam zatvorio butigu i da će se uskoro pojaviti novi članci. Stay tuned :)

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